Sunday, March 16, 2014

God Takes Action! (New Series: The Enduring Church: God's Abiding Presence

Jesus shows shows up for 40 days
➣ “Ummm, are you going to break up the Evil Roman World-Power?”
Jesus was not as interested in ruling people as freeing & empowering people!

  • God is not passive
  • God is not ineffective during periods of apparent silence
  • When God takes action, it is deliberate (connected & connecting)
  • When God takes action, it is subtle, yet, blatant (depending on your eyes and ears)
  • When God takes action, it is typically in response to a wrong He wants to correct, and a right he wants to establish.
  • Since a day it like a thousand years and vice versa to God, when God takes action it’s way too late for some...and way too soon for others. However, God’s timing is always impeccable (meaning, it can’t get no better!)

God is a Creator! An Establisher! An Innovator! God is the Impetus to Life!

  • Adam (breathes in his nostrils) & builds humanity with him
  • Noah (rebuilds a new pared-down humanity with him)
  • Abraham (builds a new family/ a preferred people group with him & his kin)
  • Moses (Leads Abraham & Joseph’s descendants out of Egypt to establish a new nation)
  • Raises David, from the chosen family’s bloodline, to be Head over his new Kingdom (sphere of influence)
  • Jesus Christ then comes, from the chosen family's bloodline, to bring others into the bloodline who are not physically related to the family of God. His blood as mingled with that of outcasts, murderers, prostitutes, foreigners, etc.

*God has always chosen a progenitor* through which a new order of people and/or relationships were created.

➣We look at the Book of Acts today...same STORY, but a DIFFERENT TWIST!
Luke is writing a letter to Theophilus (Book of Acts...a letter or legal brief)


➣Dreaming of a loved one who has died to awaken & you feel the loss....

➣When the person of positional power’re up! You’re next. Top Dog.

5 Stages: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargain 4. Depressive 5. Acceptance

  • Disciples hadn’t gotten thru the 5 stages because Jesus returned on Day 3

  • Before they can’t get through stages one or two...Jesus shows up for 40 days... Just to leave again!!!

➣Some likely misunderstood and thought Jesus would drop in from time to time for a chat...

➣They didn’t realize that today was a major handoff and set-up for a new dimension of God’s presence in the Earth. 

...Without an owners manual...And they moved from Crisis to Courage!

➣2 Angels seem like a duplicate of an O.T. symbol that meant God’s presence
(Like Luke 24.4; John 20:10-12)

Numbers 7:88-89 (The Message)
89 When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak with God, he heard the Voice speaking to him from between the two angel-cherubim above the Atonement-Cover on the Chest of The Testimony. He spoke with him.
➣Called the chariots of God

Challenges & Next Steps~
● Join a Life group and experience a closer connection with God & His people

● Share with your group where you’d like to grow in your faith (understanding scripture, prayer, sharing your faith, getting connected, godly living & victory, accepting God’s love). Receive prayer for this requests, believe God hears you, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as you are directed in areas of growth and development.

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