Sunday, January 15, 2012

Get To Stepping'

On The Brink Series
Sermon Title: Get To Steppin’ (Extending Your Territory)
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Background Points:
Joshua took steps towards favor...he wasn’t merely lucky (The Cost Ex 17, Num 14)
He believed; He aligned himself with God’s leader;

God Almighty:

Moses is dead! “I am not!” (Consider...really consider your Source!)
I am about to give you the Land
I am keeping my promise to Moses (Abraham and Isaac)
No one will be able to stand against you.
I will continue the covenant with you
I will never leave you
Be courageous
Be ☛Strong ( face of opposition) and ☛Courageous (Grip: God’s values, plans, purposes. Phil 3.12)

Other people’s blessings rested on Joshua’s obedience.
Obey the laws of Moses so that success will surely happen.
Meditate on the word so that you’re careful to walk in it
Again, be strong and courageous
Don't be afraid or discouraged
I will be with you wherever you go. (This is a promise that can’t be broken!)

Get you provisions ready! We’re about to cross!

Favor is not for your purpose. It is for God’s Purpose:
A person of purpose must understand this
“I will give you the places where you step” (He’s gone ahead of you)
No one will be able to stand before you (God enemies are yours and your enemies are God’s)

Favor requires more obedience; not less
The people agreed to obey
Joshua sent 2 spies out to Rahab
God will give you unlikely allies when you walk in purpose
The king of Jericho and others heard about the victory of Israel and how God had fought for them.

Chapter 3 Crossing

Follow the Ark (Evidence of God existence and God’s co-existence with Israel).

Understand why God gives miracles. (Make them last!)
Demonstrates His ability, might and concern.

Memorialize Acts of Favor☑
They took 12 stones from the Joran and carried them over to the camp & set them up as a memorial.

Why the Memorial? (Deut 6)
Humans are fickle and forgetful
God made it His duty to:
Give promises
Remember His promises
Deliver His people
Give his people a miracle
Help His people to memorialize His miracle so that it lasts. (Doggy bag!)

What do these stones mean?
Tell them about the dry ground
He treated the Jordan like the Red Sea
He did this it to show his might
He wanted people to always remember Him.
The enemies were frightened

Circumcision was reinstated
If you want the blessings of old promises, you must realign yourself with God.
Fear, pride, disobedience

Challenge: 1. Which of the spiritual disciplines have you left? 2. What steps will you take right now to realign with the Covenant? 3. Are you surrounding yourself with others who understand the urgency of this season?

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